Sunday, February 7, 2010

Everybody is Settling In

It's been almost a week since we moved all the boys and they seem to be settling into their new home just fine. Allison loves the lights in both the indoor and the outdoor arenas because she gets off work late but can still ride during the week.  Sarah has been able to use the covered arena and lights for a lesson which she might not have gotten in because of the rain.  But Saturday and Sunday were beautiful days and we took full advantage.

Noah's rehab is progressing and he felt better on Sunday than he did on Saturday. This is a positive step in the right direction.  And he looks happy and well adjusted.

Spenser is looking good and hasn't missed a beat in the transition.  I am loving the beautiful backgrounds available at Bridlewood.

Even Remy has found a new playmate Bella.  Is it odd for him to be the same size as a Great Dane???

I was busy taking pictures and looked over to see what Sammy was up to.  I think he was feeling a little left out of the action

But I put him to work for the first time since our move.  He was a superstar.  He could not let the big boys show him up.I'm really there but Allison has taken the perfect picture of us together!  She's such a good child.
We started out in the covered arena then just walked right on out into the outdoor. This was as bad as he got, not bad at all.
 He had to be sure Allison was paying attention and getting pictures of his good side.

I was very pleased with our first work day. He was calm and happy and we called it a day.

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