Well, Sammy is an honest to goodness yearling now. He has shown me his cute trot that he has kept hidden for the year. I think he was mainly showing off for his mom Lily.
We measured him today and he is just a smidge over 14 hands at the withers but a good 14'2 at the rear. His measurement from the middle of his knee to the coronet band (in a straight line) is 16 inches exactly so now we wait to see if the test runs true.
It's been a great year and I'm looking forward to playing in the Hunter Breeding world a little. It has given me some guidelines and goals on how to bring him along this year. He stands very well in the crossties for grooming. He lets most people pick out his feet without any trouble. He will let me clip his whiskers and we're working on the ear thing. He knows the words back, stand, ho, and trot and this has to be a good thing when he is started under saddle. Right? I don't know if all this would have been accomplished if I didn't have a show on the horizon. But, even if we embarrass ourselves and I trip and fall or something else equally embarrassing, it will have been worth it just to say we did it. And every experience is a learning experience.....or so they say. Wish us luck.
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