Saturday, December 1, 2007


When Sammy was born I used the photosite to update his pictures (of which there were many) and to keep everyone up to date on his progress. Once they sold out, I could not find a photosite that was similar so, here we are. Since the last photos on the photosite Sammy has been through a broken sesamoid bone, weaning, stall rest, hand walking, limited turnout and gelding. He has had a busy life for a little guy. But now he is over all the trauma (at least up to now, knock on wood, please, please be done) and is heading down the boring path of just plain growing up. He will be 8 months old on Dec 3rd and it's hard to believe he'll be a yearling soon. Big decision on whether to show him "on the line" next year but, probably will be mostly dependent on my work schedule. (or really most likely whether I can get organized enough to take him) I think I will probably aim for Alicia's show in April rather than the January shows in Jacksonville just because I really don't think I'll be ready by January. So, he is looking pretty grown up and I finally got some action shots with Linda's help. This picture thing needs work, so forgive me.............

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